Internet Price: $389 a month!Five to choose from at this price at
Kearny Mesa Infiniti!
View ALL G37's >>
MSRP $45,700
36 Month Lease
$3,000 due @ lease inception plus applicable tax, fees & 1st payment
$389 per month plus tax
10,000 miles per year
.25 cents per excess mile
24 month lease
$3,000 due @ lease inception plus applicable tax, fees & 1st payment
$399 per month plus tax
12,000 miles per year
.25 cents per excess mile
.90% up to 36 months
2.9% up to 66 months
3.9% for 72 months
All specials with approved above average credit.
* All prices and other information displayed on this site is gathered from sources and based on information that is believed by us to be reliable, but no assurance can be given that this information is accurate, complete or current. We do not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions or warrant the accuracy of this information. Expires 01/05/2011